Jag kan inte ljuga för dig


Taylor Swift - Breathe


Längesen - Petter
Jag gav aldrig upp dig när du försvann
Långa dagar blev till nätter sen till år <3

Gubben i lådan

Gubben i lådan - Daniel Adams-Ray
Grym låt! :D

"Jag vägrar att inse, att du sviker mig alltid!"

Just the way you are

Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are

Favoriten just nu <333


Rewind, take me back to summertime <3



Jag e KÄÄÄÄR! ;)

Den här killen är galet bra!
Andreas Wijk <3

A little bit too not over you

Oohhhh oh, oh..

It never crossed my mind at all.
It's what I tell myself.
What we had has come and gone.
You're better off with someone else.
It's for the best, I know it is.
But I see you.
Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside,
And I turn around.
You're with him now.
I just can't figure it out.

Tell me why it's so hard to forget.
Don't remind me, I'm not over it.
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth.
I'm just a little too not over you.
Not over you....

Memories, supposed to fade.
What's wrong with my heart?
Shake it off, let it go.
Didn't think it'd be this hard.
Should be strong, movin' on.
But I see you.
Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside.
And I turn around,
You're with him now.
I just can't figure it out.

Tell me why it's so hard to forget.
Don't remind me, I'm not over it.
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth.
I'm just a little too not over you.

Maybe I regret everything I said,
No way to take it all back, yeah...
Now I'm on my own..
How I let you go, I'll never understand.
I'll never understand, yeah, oohh..
Oohhh, oohhh, oohhhh..
Oohhh, ooohhhh, oohhh.

Tell me why it's so hard to forget.
Don't remind me, I'm not over it.
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth.
I'm just a little too not over you.

Tell me why it's so hard to forget.
Don't remind me, I'm not over it.
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth.
And I really don't know what to do.
I'm just a little too not over you.
Not over you, oohhh..

David Arcuhleta - A Little bit too not over you <3

Summer music <3

Att musik kan få en att må så himla bra, låtar får mig så jäkla glad vissa gånger.
Likadant så påminner mig nästan alla låtar jag lyssnar på om något! <3

Just nu:

Vica - Beatet i mit hjerte

T-pain - Take your shirt off

Jay Kay - Princess

Mark oh - Scatman 2009

Nu ska jag sova, ska upp ganska tidigt imorgon.
Okej, who am I kidding, jag ska upp tidigt enligt mina mått alla andras, SENT!

Music is my life <3

Sitter och lyssnar på en låt hela tiden, kan inte sluta lyssna på den, så tänkte nu dela med mig av den till er, den är totalt grym och jag mår så jäkla bra när jag hör den!

Italobrothers - Stamp on the ground <3


Om några timmar ska jag ta mig till Hellas och Grilla med dem Bästa <3

Musiken just nu!

Musiken som spelas just nu:

Sidney Samson - Riverside

David Guetta ft. Kid Cudi - Memories

Alors On Danse - Stromae

Tinchy Stryder ft. N-Dubz - Number 1

Detta är några av låtarna jag spelar om o om igen!

Forget about you

"Forget About You"

It's been one year to the day
Since I watched you drive away leaving me with only street lights glowing
Here we are now face to face fumbling all the words to say
Hiding feelings that I don't want showing now

I am useless young and stupid for thinking I'll get over you

I'll make excuses but the truth is
It's the best that I can do
I can't forget about you

We'd spend every day and night and never left each other's side

But I never asked you what you're thinking
Cause it's been one year to the day
Here we are now face to face
Now it feels like I am slowly sinking down

Every night I stayed up thinking my mind's made up

Every memory I hold on to
If I could only have a minute
I know how I'd spend it saying everything I feel for you
I feel for you

I am useless young and stupid for thinking I'll get over you

There's no excuses cause the truth is
There's nothing left for me to do
I can't forget about you
Forget about you
I can't forget about you
I won't forget about you
Forget about you
I can't forget about you

Film och Musik

En film jag vill se: The Last Song


Och sen soundtrack till filmen:



Miley Cyrus - When I look at you

Secrets in Stereo

Secrets in stereo - Happy


Kvällens låt

Kvällens låt:

Take me to the clouds above - LMC vs. U2

Favourite song right now

Plumb - Cut

I want to know what love is

Mariah Carey - I want to know what love is

Song of the day

Toto - I won't hold you back <3


P.S - 9 dagar kvar till Fjällen :D


Jag har flera låtar som jag drogar som fan just nu!
Men en speciellt:

Är han inte söt? haha



I'm so tired of all your bullshit, you've taken it to far this time! </3

No Boundaries

Kris Allen - No Boundaries

Favorit låten just nu!



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